Winter Wonders

Outside my office window, a pair of cardinals spends their days bouncing around and perching atop the red twig dogwoods. I recently hung a birdseed house on one of the branches and watched them happily pick it apart. Along with the cardinals, I have been visited by hummingbirds, goldfinches, doves, and blue jays while sitting at my window working on things.  I am reminded it is often when we sit and still ourselves, we can then see life in an unexpected way.

January is a month filled with moments like this.  Where more of my time is spent in my head- reflecting, observing, planning- versus the physical activity of much of what the farm days are like for me. Reflecting on last season’s wins and losses.  Planning the crops and fields for the year.  Setting goals for what I would personally like to achieve or learn.  I often let my emotions be my guide to pay attention to themes I am mulling over.  And there are plenty when it comes to 2025. 

Excitement- When I think about seeing the Specialty tulips start blooming, I cannot contain myself!  I am so excited to share new varieties with our customers and show people what this incredible flower is.  Then, our new field of Specialty Narcissus will arrive!!! These were one of the first bulbs that we planted on the farm, and over the past two years, they have been lost for one reason and another.  I invested in new bulbs this fall, and they should explode in April.  I could continue the excitement here talking about every flower crop, but you get the idea.  I am humming with anticipation! 

Worry- What is Mother Nature going to hurl at me in 2025?  Last year it was an epic drought season where my water bill was through the roof.  Is this considered sustainable growing?  Last year also brought the maniacal ground hog that decimated over $3000 in sunflowers alone (yes- $3000).  I had to call in help to remove him finally. Are my dahlia tubers that I left in the ground going to make it? What are the challenges we will have to overcome as growers this year??? Knowing that I cannot control many aspects of farming is unsettling.

Gratitude- Balancing the excitement and anticipation along with the anxiety, I try to be mindful of the gratitude I feel to be able to take this journey.  Every year I learn more as I push and challenge myself to fine tune flower farming and share my love of flowers. I am grateful for the land and the people helping me on this adventure.

Bottom line- instead of distracting myself from my emotions- particularly the unsettling ones- I am taking January to pay attention to them.  Look at what is behind each one and acknowledge it.  Each has its purpose and value (even the negative ones), and whatever this year brings, I will tackle it the best that I can.

Go look out a window and notice what you are feeling!  Flowers will be here soon.

From my window to yours ~ Becca    

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