What is it with Nests?
I have been a collector of natural treasures all of my life. Seashells found during walks on the beach. Feathers in unlimited shapes and colors discovered in the fields or the coop. Flowers that I preserve in some manner to honor their color and structure. Much to my husband’s exacerbation at times, I bring home my treasures regularly and tuck them around our home. I simply love the unexpected discovery of something so beautiful that it inspires a creation or evokes some joyful emotion. Of late, nests are my obsession.
I have been told that I was probably a bird in a former life as I am drawn to many things avian. I would choose the ability to fly if I could pick a super power. My fascination with feathers is ever-present- both collected from the farm or found on a random walk, and I often use them in my designs. I am drawn to flowers that have that feathery wispy feel like many celosias or pampas plume grasses. During COVID, I spent the spring at home and during that time, I became very aware of the explosion of nests on the farm. Maybe I hadn’t been home enough, but I felt that everywhere that I looked, I saw a mother bird working on building a home for her eggs and ultimately, her babies.
If you ever have the chance to explore a bird’s nest, you will see the incredible skill that goes into it. Some are woven with twigs and grasses. Others have mud as a base. Many are perfectly symmetrical- how do they do that???- while others are whimsical and wild. Most seem to be built with an ability to stay tucked into the branches of a tree or bush and withstand the spring winds and rains and weather. It’s remarkable.
If you look up the symbolism of nests, meanings like safety, family, and protection are suggested. That feels right to me and is a sentiment I’d like to put forth to others. This spring, I am working on learning how to make nests and incorporate them into my designs. I will continue to wander and watch and study how our fellow creatures are building theirs and use this inspiration for some really fun and hopefully, inspiring elements. Enjoy!