Spring Bouquet CSA

Spring Bouquet CSA
Bring on Spring with a wide variety of seasonal blooms! Enjoy four (4) weeks of bouquets that may include anemones, ranunculus, specialty narcissus, peonies, agrostemma, Bachelor’s Button’s, sweet peas…..SO MANY varieties! These bouquets will make your heart sing!!! Bunches will be mixed colors and varieties. Perfect for yourself or to share with a friend!
CSAs will most likely be consecutive weeks, although there may be some variability due to bloom time. The Spring Bouquet CSA will begin in late April. Delivery only available to zip codes 15215 and 15238; contact us directly if you are interested in another delivery zip code. Details on delivery to Feast on Brilliant available in the CSA Terms & Conditions.
Please note- if you are interested in delivery of any sorts, please indicate by checking the desired delivery option at checkout. We will send you a separate invoice for your delivery choice.
$0 – Pick up at Eleven Mile Farm
$20- Delivery to Feast on Brilliant*
$40 – Delivery to 15215 or 15238
*Other delivery zip codes TBD
I understand that by purchasing a 2025 Spring Bouquet CSA, I agree to the CSA Terms & Conditions as provided on the Eleven Mile Farm website.
*Feast on Brilliant- 27 Brilliant Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15215. Tuesdays only between 10 and 5 pm.